Featured Stories

/Featured Stories

10 Things I Want Others to Know When I’m Out With My Special Needs Family

Authored by: Cherie Edilson: Contributor for The Mighty It’s that time of year again, full of family gatherings and festive events. For our family of four young children and two tired parents, even the smallest excursion can be difficult. Additionally, our children face extra challenges while we try to enjoy the merriment as a family. [...]

In the Mind of a Parent Who’s Been Told Her Child Might Not Make It

Authored by: Rachel-Danes-Panfil : Contributor for The Mighty Being a parent can be scary alone for a normal couple. Imagine you were told your infant would be born with a serious birth defect, or something happened last few weeks of the pregnancy that changed things dramatically. With Short Bowel Syndrome, at birth, parents are often [...]

The 5 Steps I Took on My Journey After a Trauma

Authored by: Quenby Schuyler Contributor on PTSD Trauma dragged me to the depths. A friend once said, “The scariest place I’ve ever gone is deep inside myself.” But it’s in the surfacing, the slow swim upward, that can be transformative. With each slow slog from the depths of despair to the warm shallow waters of acceptance, I [...]

Being sick is not a competition

Authored by: Alexandra Kaye Contributor on ehlers-danlos-syndrome We need to recognize the reality that people are in pain despite the fact that it seems like it could be worse. By downplaying somebody’s illness (“it could be worse!”) the person becomes incredibly invalidated. Even though it’s your effort to try to make them feel better about their [...]

22 Things People With Invisible Illness Wish ER Staff Knew

Authored by: Erin Migdol : Editor of General Chronic Illness for The Mighty. To help ER staff better understand how to treat patients, we asked our Facebook community with invisible illness to share what they wish ER employees knew about them. Just because the cause of your symptoms may not be visible doesn’t mean you should be [...]

Meet Aria and her mom Rachel!

This is a story about one of our short gut families and their journey. This is Rachel and Aria's story! Hello my name is Rachel my daughters name is Aria she is about to be 8 months! I had a pretty normal pregnancy until my 22 week appointment. They did a full anatomy scan on [...]

Short Bowel Foundation Membership

In 2017, the Short Bowel Syndrome Foundation, Inc. is introducing a new membership program. In the past we have kept in touch with most of our following, and giving out our news updates through social media, often through links on our website to redirect the person to the foundation homepage. Though! What if Facebook crashed [...]

Being Sick Is Not A Competition

Authored by: Alexandra Kaye: Contributor for The Mighty Everything in life is a competition now it seems. In the world of people living with illnesses (acute or chronic), well-meaning people make being sick into a competition too. Most of the time, it’s an attempt to make somebody feel better by saying, “at least it’s not [...]

7 Life Lessons I Learned From Parenting My Toddler With Special Needs

Authored by: Brianne Coffey Contributor for The Mighty I found the light when I recognized the important life lessons my 2-year-old with short gut syndrome (also called short bowel syndrome) was trying to teach me. There are seven lessons I carry with me that I’d like to share with you: Read more on Brianne's Journey [...]

What I Post on Facebook Versus My Reality With Chronic Illness

Authored by: Carmen Hartgerink: Contributor for The Mighty We all know that what we see on Facebook isn’t always what exactly happens in real life. Everybody posts the good stuff. They want to show off, show the progress that’s happening in their lives, and boast about the highlights of what’s happening in their life. Well, here’s the inside [...]

Why I’m No Longer Hiding How Short Bowel Syndrome Affects My Child

Authored by: Crystal Noe: Contributor to The Mighty on Short Bowel Syndrome. Brady, was born with gastroschisis and a mid-intestinal atresia, which means his intestines were outside of his body. Different parts can be out, but he had all of his bowel out, as well as his stomach. Because of this, he lost 70 percent of his bowel [...]

When Another Person With Chronic Illness Judged My Invisible Illness

By Jenny Jones: Contributor: The Mighty Jenny was diagnosed with familial adenomatous polyposis at age 8, and after six years with an ileostomy now has a straight pull-through. She has a master’s degree in social work and shares on her personal blog Life’s a Polyp. “You don’t have anything wrong with you. You have no issue [...]

Sit Down with Dr. Donald Kirby: Improving Outcomes with Parenteral Nutrition

Dr. Donald Kirby, one of the foundation's Board of Directors and the Director of Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, is one of the most respected physicians in the short bowel industry. The Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology sat down with Dr. Kirby to discuss improving the outcomes in patients with Parenteral Nutrition. [...]

Teaching Others About Your Child’s SBS Diagnosis: A Mothers Perspective

This was an article written by one of our own SBS community members and published on The Mighty Newsletter (www.themighty.com). A great perspective to learn from. I want to start sharing my miracle, because it’s time people know what families with short bowel syndrome are really going through. I just want to explain to everybody that I didn’t “cause” this, and this is what is really happening when you see my son. I’ll admit, I have been in hiding. I hide our whole life. Not because of shame, but because of fear. The day my son Brady was born with gastroschisis and a mid-intestinal atresia, which means his intestines were outside of his body. He lost 70 percent of his bowel and his ileocecal valve (which is a flap that keeps bacteria from coming back up into the body). He was on TPN for the first six months of his life and didn’t come home until he was 7 months old. Then, he was given a G-tube so he could get nutrients. He had a severe oral aversion; he’s never been bottle-fed. Others in our small town, who see us in public are quick to judge my child. There were people telling me I must have done something wrong while I was pregnant. This is further from the case. Read more below to get the full story! […]

A Letter to Parents of Children With Special Needs, From a Pediatric Nurse

This is a great article published by a contributor on The Mighty Newsletter (www.themighty.com) The parents I have worked with have often shrugged away my compliments at their strength and tireless work to benefit their children. They have reminded me that they did not ask for this life, but that they love their children enough to keep fighting. You may not have asked for this life, but you have taken it on with such grace and persistence, even in the face of steep odds. Your incredible strength inspires me in every area of my life.  […]

SBSF Fall Jackets for Sale (Donation to SBSF)

Once you submit this form. SBSF will get an email with the info. Wait for us to email you! You will not be required to pay at the end of this form but the total amount, quantity, and sizes, help us complete your order so we can invoice you correctly. The Short Bowel Syndrome Foundation [...]

100 Envelopes Contributors

        The Short Bowel Syndrome Foundation, Inc and its newly formed divisions, would like to thank the following people who have contributed to our online Envelope Fundraiser. We thank you for your patronage. Pam Aguiar Andy Jablonski John Jablonski Larry Jablonski Leo Jablonski Paul Jablonski Florence Jablonski Mary Ellen

100 Envelopes Fundraiser Challenge 2016

        Thank you for participating in the 100 envelope fundraising challenge online (we also have envelopes we can mail out in the same amounts). Here are the guidelines for the fundraiser. They are pretty simple and not much is involved in this virtual fundraiser, which we will also replicate in other areas, [...]

Why I Decided to Start a Foundation for My Rare Disease

Living with my condition short bowel syndrome (SBS) has affected my life in many different ways over the years — physically, emotionally and socially. They all have their positives and their negatives. These experiences – both positive and negative – were the driving force in establishing the Short Bowel Syndrome Foundation. Primarily, because I have an [...]

When a Doctor Told Me ‘Helping Others With My Condition Should Be Left to Trained Medical Professionals’

At 30 years old, I’ve lived with short bowel syndrome (SBS), a rare intestinal disorder, for my entire life. When it comes to this disease, I’m an expert by experience. SBS is the result of a congenital defect or trauma and affects about 15,000 to 30,000 people in the US. It is a condition that reshapes the way you [...]