In 2017, the Short Bowel Syndrome Foundation, Inc. is introducing a new membership program. In the past we have kept in touch with most of our following, and giving out our news updates through social media, often through links on our website to redirect the person to the foundation homepage. Though! What if Facebook crashed overnight, and could not be fixed? Support would become hard to come by again, and back to the stone age we go. Though with a membership program, we can keep in touch with you no matter what by providing us with some information. A little information can go a long way! Also we are restructuring our membership program with our industry professionals. As a patient, family, or physician you membership is free, all memberships last up to a year (lots can change within a year)! We hope that you will now offically join The Short Bowel Foundation community!
Thank you all for your ongoing and continued support!
Andy Jablonski
All information on this form will be kept confidential and it will never be shared.