
General Tips:

  1. Pack your regular medication in their original bottles (if flying) or your pillbox.

  2. Take a few extra pills for each medication, just in case.

  3. Be sure to fill prescriptions before you leave – don’t count on being able to get the medication when you arrive at your destination.

  4. Pack salty snacks and water bottles. Be sure that you stay hydrated!

  5. Wear loose, comfortable clothes for your travel days.

  6. Ask for help when needed. Don’t be shy!

  7. Be prepared in the case of a medical emergency.

    1. Find the nearest hospital and urgent care center to your destination.

    2. Keep a list of their medications and emergency contacts nearby.

    3. Double check that you have your insurance card.

    4. Carry a card with information about your illness. Include all allergies in this list.

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