This was an article written by one of our own SBS community members and published on The Mighty Newsletter ( A great perspective to learn from.
I want to start sharing my miracle, because it’s time people know what families with short bowel syndrome are really going through. I just want to explain to everybody that I didn’t “cause” this, and this is what is really happening when you see my son. I’ll admit, I have been in hiding. I hide our whole life. Not because of shame, but because of fear. The day my son Brady was born with gastroschisis and a mid-intestinal atresia, which means his intestines were outside of his body.
He lost 70 percent of his bowel and his ileocecal valve (which is a flap that keeps bacteria from coming back up into the body). He was on TPN for the first six months of his life and didn’t come home until he was 7 months old. Then, he was given a G-tube so he could get nutrients. He had a severe oral aversion; he’s never been bottle-fed. Others in our small town, who see us in public are quick to judge my child. There were people telling me I must have done something wrong while I was pregnant. This is further from the case.
Read more below to get the full story!Read the full article on The Mighty: